At WorkSource Atlanta we strive to provide you with the best possible customer service as we assist you with career planning, training decisions, and eligibility determination for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) training assistance.
To provide you continual service during the Covid-19 pandemic, we are utilizing the WSMA Application Pilot. This process has been created to make applying for Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act funded training more efficient and equitable for all candidates! This means you access the information you need to complete your Application for Eligibility online in a location that is most convenient for you. Plus, the WIOA Eligibility Application is shorter! This process does not change the program that you are interested in, it only offers a new way of accessing the information.
Ongoing training for current and potential employees is a critical way to ensure that workers have the skills they need to succeed – and help their employers succeed, too. WorkSource Atlanta offers training support that can help workers at any level sharpen their skills or gain new ones including:
On-The-Job Training

The On-the-Job Training (OJT) program helps employers attract and retain employees who don’t possess the skills needed to perform in a specific position. OJT reimburses between 50 and 75 percent of the employee’s salary during the designated training period, based on size of organization. The employer must commit to hiring the individual upon successful completion of training.
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Incumbent Worker Training

Incumbent Worker Training may be offered to employers who, after an assessment, are determined to need training for existing employees in order to remain competitive or avert a potential layoff. Classroom or work-based learning may be provided through an educational provider of the employer’s choice.
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Customized Training

The Customized Training program is designed to meet the special requirements of an employer or a group of employers by allowing them to tailor and design work-based skills training. Employers commit to employ individuals who successfully complete completion of the training and may be reimbursed for half the cost of training.
This training is designed to meet the specific occupational requirements of an employer so individuals new to the workforce have the skills they need to fill a particular skill gap. Employers will work with us to customize a training program and then commit to employ – or continue to employ – individuals upon successful completion of the training.
WorkSource Atlanta can both help develop and fund this training for eligible candidates with occupational-specific skills for industries that are stable or have projected growth.
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Work Experience/Summer Youth Employment Worksites

A Work Experience is a planned, structured learning experience that takes place in a workplace for a set period. The intention of a Work Experience is to enable participants to explore career options and gain exposure to the working world and its requirements. A Work Experience shall be designed to enhance the employability of individuals through the development of good work habits and basic work skills.
This program is designed to assist employers in building a talent pipeline by providing employees with on-the-job training. Through WIOA grant funding, WorkSource Atlanta will cover the hourly rate of each work experience employee. The participant must work up to 40 hours a week until having developed the skills needed by the employer or for a period of up to 16 weeks, whichever comes first.
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Employee Recruitment

WorkSource Atlanta provides recruitment services at no cost including pre-employment assessment and screening, on-site space for conducting interviews, and tax incentives and tax credit information.
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Rapid Response

WorkSource Atlanta offers services through its network of career resource centers designed to help displaced workers return to work as soon as possible. This assistance may include training, job search assistance and resume preparation.